Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Barletta Starts Strong

An internal poll released by the Barletta camp shows him polling ahead of Democratic incumbent Paul Kanjorski.

Recognizing that it's only June, Barletta's strong, positive name brand recognition (as identified by the report) coupled with Kanjorski's low approval ratings provide good building blocks for Barletta to work from. Particularly optimistic in the polling report was:

"Since Kanjorski’s negative name ID and low reelect scores are unchanged from May 2007, it proves he has failed to benefit even slightly from the favorable Democratic political environment. In fact, his current 50/25 ratio in name ID has even worsened from our May ’07 poll (at the time 57/17), and his 39% reelect is virtually unchanged from 38%. Given these factors, particularly in light of recent gains the Democrats have made in reliably Republican seats in Illinois, Mississippi and Louisiana, this seat may be the best chance the GOP has in the nation to defeat a Democratic incumbent congressman in the ‘08 election cycle."

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