Wednesday, September 10, 2008

More Regarding Debates In The 10th

Chris Hackett released his third general election ad against Chris Carney.

The ad, appropriately called "Debate," focuses on Carney's refusal to accept additional debates against Hackett.

The Carney campaign thought the ad distorted the Congressman's record and Carney campaign manager Vincent Rongione stated, "Unfortunately, this is exactly what we have come to expect from our challenger, a campaign of lies and distortions. This is a desperate attack from a typical negative politician who will say anything to try and get elected, including statements which he knows to be false."

Hackett campaign manager Mark Harris responded by saying, "If Carney dislikes the ad, all he has to do is agree to debates, and we will gladly take the ad off the air."

Seems like a political win-win situation for the Hackett campaign. Either Carney agrees to more debates and Hackett gets his way or Hackett continues to use the issue to hammer home his message that "Washington" Carney is out of touch with the district.

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