Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Lobbying Around DC

After yesterday's ROMP endorsement for Chris Hackett, Chris Carney received the support of Arlen Specter's former chief-of-staff David Urban. It seems that Urban grew to admire Carney as he has got to know him.

These two endorsements will also force Carney and Hackett to compete directly across the street from one another on July 16. The two will both be in D.C. Hackett will be at the ROMP fundraiser while Urban and his lobbying firm American Continental host a $1,000 a plate breakfast fundraiser for Carney.

It has been suggested that Chris Carney is a "Capitol Hill opportunist" so his relationship with this lobbyist raised some immediate question. While Urban denied any professional interest, one issue beneath the surface is just how interested Urban is in Carney because he's a "bipartisan" or rather if his sudden support of Carney stemmed from Chris Hackett's interest in eliminating earmarks?

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